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Notice on Medical Chinese Proficiency Test for Batch 2016, 2017, 2019 MBBS International Students
Time: 2024-05-30
Publisher: 教学办
Article Source:

In order to promote the Chinese communication ability of international students during internship practice in China, the School of International Education conduct a medical Chinese proficiency test in June 4.

1. The total score is 100 points, oral test count for 70% and written test count for 30%.

2. The test time

Written test: June 4 10:00-11:00 AM   Main teaching building B101, B102

Oral test : June 4  1:00 PM   KJL_E402,403,405(waiting room 404)

3. Question type (clinical basic language)

 Oral test1. Vocabulary: English-Chinese translation   2. Translate sentences

 Written test1. Vocabulary connection            2. Choose the sentence  

3. Make sentences

4. This test score will be used as a reference for internship practice performance, and this score is an important part of graduation results.

5. Students who achieve low scores in Chinese proficiency test will be required to review Medical Chinese and to participate in the proficiency test again after learning.

Students should attach importance to the learning of Medical Chinese. During the internship practice, Chinese is a very important communication tool and your proficiency of Medical Chinese affects your internship directly.

                                   School of International Education

May 30, 2024

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