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Notice of Applying for PG Student Graduation in June 2022
Time: 2022-04-27
Publisher: 汪琳琳
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Step 1: PG students applying for graduation have to prepare paper documents and put them in the document pouch according to the list below:

1. Application Letter for Master/Doctoral Degree  学位申请书

  It consists of application reasons, thesis related information, tutor reviews and resolution of Thesis Defense Committee.

2. Studying program  培养方案

3. Academic transcript  成绩单、轮转表

4. Master/Doctoral Degree thesis (three copies)  毕业论文

5. All published research thesis during studying  发表论文

6. Original experimental or clinical record book  实验或临床记录本

   With your tutor's signature and stamp at the end of each month records.

7. Records of academic activities  学术会议记录

8. Opening reportand mid-term examination documents  开题报告、中期考核材料

9. Results ofthesis evaluation  学位论文评阅意见书

10. Pre-defense documents  预答辩材料

11. Defense records and resolution paper  论文答辩会议记录及决议书

12. Forms for graduation  学位审批、毕业登记

13.10 patients cases   10个临床病例-临床型研究生( If you are a clinical graduate student, pls prepare the patients cases. )

14. Four graduation certificate photos   毕业证件照

  2 inches diploma photo, blue background and white shirt, with passport name and student ID.Number on each photo.

Step 2: Meanwhile,PG students need to submit electronic documents.

Guidance---How to prepare documents in electronic folder?

Please create your own folder with your passport name (given name first, surname second) and student ID No. After finish every document in this folder, fill the form of “Graduation and Degree Application Materials Directory June,2022”. Then pack up with winrar or winzip and send it to as attachment.

(E.g. Smriti Kharel+509772314106.rar.

In the electronic document folder, there are 6 documents students should prepare as followed:

1.Studying program

The document should be signed and stamped by your tutor, and then print and scan. Submit PDF scanned file and also the original electronic WORD document.

2.Academic transcript

With reference to the sample transcript, please revise this document based on your tutor’s requirement. Submit PDF scanned file and also the original electronic WORD document.

3.Master Degree thesis

Submit PDF scanned file and also the original electronic WORD document.

4.All research thesis published

Submit PDF scanned file.

5. Graduation certificate photo

This is a JPG picture named as “Smriti Kharel+509772314106 certificate photo”(example). The photo should be 2 inches diploma photo, blue background, white shirt. For electronic version, it should be no large than 500 kb in the format of JPG. Remember to ask the staff in the shop to add your passport name and student ID. No. to the electronic photos.

6. Form of Graduation and Degree Application Materials Directory June,2022


1. Deadline for submitting paper and electronic documents: May 25, 2022.

Electronic documents:

Paper documents: Office 426 (Due to the epidemic prevention and control, contact teacher Wang through wechat before coming. )

2. For students in abroad, contact your colleagues or tutor to prepare all paper documents according to the list in Step 1. Send all electronic documents to according to the list in Step 2.

Contact for help.

3. Those who fail to submit complete documents before May 15, 2022 without special reason will not be able to apply for graduation and degree in this semester.

All rights reserved @2019 School of International Education of Xuzhou Medical University