Dear students,
The health and safety of international students are always our primary concern. Teachers in SIE miss you all everyday, and we know that you all miss the university very much. With the great efforts in the past time, the situation of Xuzhou's epidemic prevention and control has been positive,however, we can’t relax our efforts at this most critical stage fighting against the COVID-19 virus. XZMU remains in a closed-campus state.
In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Education Department of Jiangsu Province and the Government of Xuzhou, the university’s prevention and control work during the epidemic period must adhere to five strict principles. The five strict principles are “1. Students are not allowed to return to school without school approval. 2. Unrelated personnel outside the school are not allowed to enter the school gate; 3. Teachers and students who want to enter the school gate need to prove their identity and test body temperature; 4. Medically isolated observation is performed for those who have fever and cough;5.Students who disregard the requirement will be subject to serious consequences.” For the common health and safety of everyone as well as our campus, all international students must cooperate with the school’s requirement and “stay where you are and await further instructions.”
For your health and safety, please actively cooperate with the university’s requirement. The specific requirements are as follows:
1 徐州医科大学根据江苏省教育厅和徐州市政府的疫情防控工作要求,结合学校实际情况,明确规定包含留学生在内的全体学生严禁在收到学校开学通知前返校、返徐。住在校园内的同学,继续实行校园封闭式管理。
In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Education Department of Jiangsu Province and the Government of Xuzhou during epidemic prevention and control work, XZMU, considering its own situation, has clearly mandated that all students, including international students(in China or aborad), must not return to school or return to Xuzhou before receiving our notice of returning to school. Students living on campus continue to implement closed campus management.
2 在中国其他城市的同学,如有极特殊原因确需要提前返校,在返校前需联系年级辅导员,得到批准后方可返校。返校后,经医院检查无异样的同学,需在指定住处自我隔离14天,在隔离期间,禁止外出,禁止与他人接触。在未得到辅导员老师批准前,不得提前返校、返徐,否则将受到学校的纪律处分。
For students who are in other cities of China, if you need to return to school in advance for a very special reason, you must inform the grade counselor before returning to school, and you could return to school only after getting approval. After returning to school, the student who have been checked by the hospital for no abnormalities need to be quarantined at the designated residence for 14 days. During the quarantine period, it is forbidden to go out and contact with others. The student must not return to school or Xuzhou in advance without the approval of the counselor teacher. Otherwise, you will be subject to disciplinary action.
3. 不论在自己国家家里的还是在其他国家探亲访友的,都要记录行动轨迹,如果有到访或疫情严重的国家和地区,要及时记录以备汇报给老师和学校。
Students at home country or visit friends and family in other countries should track the journey and keep record, and if you visited a country or region with coronavirus epidemic situation, you should report your journey tracce to your teacher and university.
4 目前,网络课程已经开放,请同学们根据教学安排,安心在家学习,规避返校路途的安全风险。一旦学校明确开学时间,学校将第一时间通知大家。请大家本着对自身安全负责、对家人负责的态度,在原地耐心等待学校的开学通知。
At present, online courses are open to students. Students are requested to study at home or dormitory and follow the teaching arrangements, to avoid the safety risks of returning to school. We will inform you the start date of the new semester as soon as it is confirmed. In the attitude of being responsible for your own safety and being responsible for your family, please wait patiently for the school’s announcement of start date wherever you are.
5 最后希望大家一定注意做好个人卫生和安全防护,并尽量不要外出。戴口罩,勤洗手、勤消毒,住所常通风,饮食清淡,进行科学合理的体育锻炼。学校开学之前,保持每一个人的身体健康都至关重要,所以全体同学都需要每日监测体温并且上报给年级辅导员,任何人如果漏报、瞒报或错报,都将会给学校的防疫工作带来极大的麻烦,由此带来的严重后果,责任自负(处分甚至开除)。
At last, we hope you could take good care of your personal hygiene and safety protection, and do not go outside without important reasons. Wear masks, wash hands and disinfect frequently, improve rooms ventilation, eat healthy food and remember to physical exercise.Before the school starts, it is very important to keep everyone healthy, so all students need to monitor their body temperature daily and report it to the grade counselor daily. If anyone fails to report, conceals or misreports, it will bring great trouble to the school's epidemic prevention work, and you will have to take full responsibility by yourself for the resulting serious consequences(punishment or even expulsion).
We are forced to take unusual measures to meet the exigencies of this special time. However, there is no need to be anxious and please wait patiently. As long as we work together as a team and have confidence in each other, we believe that we will be able to achieve ultimate victory against the epidemic and welcome the arrival of a beautiful spring together!
School of International Education
Xuzhou Medical University