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SIE Launches "Flying the Wings of the Mind, Shaping the Ideal Self" Mental Health Education Activities
Time: 2023-03-13
Publisher: 学管办
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       In order to help international students shape good psychological quality, create a healthy and harmonious atmosphere of study and life, on the morning of March 11th, the School of International Education organized international students to go to Dalong Lake to carry out the mental health education activity of "Flying the wings of theMind, shaping the ideal self". Wang Jun, Party Secretary of the School of International Education (Department of International Cooperation and Exchange), counselors, teachers and overseas students participated in the activity.

       Wang Jun first introduced the main content, significance andcautionsof this activity, hoping that international students can relieve the pressure of study and life,beingrelax, optimistic, united and cooperative through this activity.Counselor,WangJiuqing,organized international students to sit in a circle on the lawn and popularized the knowledge of mental health education. At the same time, combined withhisown experience, hesharedeffectivewaysto deal with negative emotionswith international students. The students also opened their hearts and shared their experiences and ideas. Then the teachers and students began to fly kites together. When the kite flies up, we feltthe joy of flying free,andthe lawnwas full oflaughterand excitement.

       Mental health education is an important part of international students' education management. The School of International Education always encouragesinternational students to face difficulties in study and life with a positive and optimistic attitude. We will earnestly guide the international students tointegrate diverse cultures, to deeply understand the excellent traditional Chinese culture.We will work hard tocultivate them into highly-qualifiedinternational medical talentswhoknow China,be friend withChinaas well as love and honor the school.

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